Pics and Testimonials


Great Barr Probus, 3rd Feb 2025.

Of the Feedback Sheets handed in at the end of the performance, when asked to sum up the show in one or two words from a list of options, all but five chose: "Great." And the those who didn"t say "Great"? They said "absolutely loved it."

 One audience member on the way out said "That was the best event we have ever had here."

And some of the ladies (it was an audience of 58 women and one man - he didn't seem to mind), took the time to add a few more words of their own:

Laura said; fun-filled, interactive and very entertaining

Janet Hearne: very entertaining

Jane: you will really enjoy this

Pam: If you come to this, bring a hankie, you will need it to wipe away the laughter tears

Grace: It was so much fun joining in with the sound effects!

Jane: Very funny and entertaining

Sandra: very funny

Elaine: very funny, uses your imagination

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